b'MANAGING RISKlikelihood, magnitude of impact and possible The outcomes of the sustainability materialitymitigation factors. The risks identified are assessment feed into our enterprisereported to the Board of Directors who risk management process. CMCs Riskprovide oversight and monitor progress. Management Committee meets regularly toAt the highest level, our CEO and Executive discuss and categorize major enterprise risks,Leadership Team, reporting to the Board of including ESG risks, from an operational,Directors, are responsible for the day-to-day ethical, legislative, market, employeeconduct of our business, including ethical, workforce or reputational perspective. Atenvironmental, social and governance topics. each meeting, the team analyzes the topOur Executive Team has reviewed, contributed current risks and assesses them in terms ofand approved the contents of this report. THE IMPORTANCE OF INTEGRITY employees to think about how they should Conducting business ethically, legally,respond to specific situations. Participation is honestly, and with integrity has been, andtracked and reported to the highest level of will continue to be, fundamental to ourthe organization.success. In addition to the core values andAll CMC employees have access to a beliefs outlined in our Guiding Principles,confidential, 24-hour Ethics and Compliance CMCs Code of Conduct and Business Ethicshotline, managed by a third-party service outlines expected behaviors of all employees,provider. Employees are encouraged to use both in terms of how we relate to one another,this hotline if they need advice on ethical and and in all our business relationships.lawful behavior, or if they suspect unethical All CMC employees are expected tobehavior. The General Counsels office participate in our regular compliance trainingand our Internal Audit Group are alerted program and complete a questionnaireimmediately to any potential non-compliances following the training. This ethics trainingand respond to these reports accordingly. The questionnaire changes each year and focusesBoard of Directors and Executive Leadership on situational vignettes that encourageTeam are updated on relevant reported incidents and their associated outcomes.We achieved our goal of having 100% of employees who participated in training complete the ethics questionnaire in 2018.10 COMMERCIAL METALS COMPANY112017-2018 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT'