SPECIFIC STANDARD DISCLOSURES DMA and Indicators Disclosure Title Page Number (or Link) CATEGORY: ECONOMIC G4-DMA Generic disclosures on management approach About Us, CMC 2016 10-K G4-EC1 Direct economic value generated and distributed About Us, Contributing to Communities, CMC 2016 10-K (Partially reported) CATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTAL G4-DMA Generic disclosures on management approach Environmental Stewardship G4-EN2 Percentage of materials used that are recycled input materials Environmental Stewardship - Contributing to the Development of a Circular Economy Material Aspect: Energy G4-DMA Generic disclosures on management approach Environmental Stewardship G4-EN5 Energy intensity Environmental Stewardship - Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Mitigation G4-EN6 Reduction of energy consumption Environmental Stewardship - Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Mitigation Material Aspect: Water G4-DMA Generic disclosures on management approach Environmental Stewardship G4-EN10 Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused Environmental Stewardship - Water Stewardship (Partially reported) Material Aspect: Emissions G4-DMA Generic disclosures on management approach Environmental Stewardship G4-EN18 Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity Environmental Stewardship - Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Mitigation G4-EN19 Reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions Environmental Stewardship - Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Mitigation, Energy Efficiency Highlights Material Aspect: Effluents and Waste G4-DMA Generic disclosures on management approach Environmental Stewardship CATEGORY: SOCIAL SUB-CATEGORY: LABOR PRACTICES AND DECENT WORK Material Aspect: Occupational Health and Safety G4-DMA Generic disclosures on management approach Valuing Our People G4-LA6 Type of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and total number of work-related fatalities, by region and by gender Valuing Our People - Safety is Our Top Priority (Partially reported) Material Aspect: Training and Education G4-DMA Generic disclosures on management approach Valuing Our People G4-LA10 Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees and assist them in managing career endings Valuing Our People - Learning and Development, Career Planning (Partially reported) G4-LA11 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews, by gender and by employee category Valuing Our People - Performance Management SUB-CATEGORY: PRODUCT RESPONSIBILITY Material Aspect: Product and Servicing Labeling G4-DMA Generic disclosures on management approach Customer Service and Product Responsibility G4-PR5 Results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction Customer Service and Product Responsibility